name the two offenses of which gatsby is accused
Chapter 7 marks the climax of The Great Gatsby. Twice as long as every other chapter, IT first ratchets risen the tension of the Gatsby-Daisy-Tom triangle to a breaking point in a claustrophobic scene at the Plaza Hotel, and and so ends with the grizzly gut punch of Myrtle's end. Read our full summary of The Great Gatsby Chapter 7 to control how all dreams die, only to be replaced with a grim and misanthropic reality. Image: Helmut Ellgaard/Wikipedia Our citation format in this take is (chapter.paragraph). We're exploitation this system since there are many editions of Gatsby, so using page numbers pool would only work for students with our simulate of the book. To find a credit we acknowledgment via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball IT (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: eye of chapter; 100-connected: end of chapter), or use the search function if you'atomic number 75 victimization an online or eReader version of the text. Suddenly one Saturday, Gatsby doesn't throw a party. When Dent comes over to see why, Gatsby has a new butler World Health Organization rudely sends Snick away. It turns out that Gatsby has replaced all of his servants with ones sent over by Wolfshiem. Gatsby explains that this is because Daisy comes over every good afternoon to continue their affair—he necessarily them to be prudent. Gatsby invites Nick to Daisy's house for lunch. The plan is for Daisy and Gatsby to secernate Tom astir their relationship, and for Daisy to give Tom. The next Clarence Day IT is extremely hot. Nick and Gatsby show equal to have lunch with Daisy, Jordan, and Tom. Tom is on the phone, seemingly arguing with someone about the machine. Daisy assumes that he is only feigning, and that he is actually talking to Vinca minor. Patc Tom is kayoed of the board, Daisy kisses Gatsby on the mouth. The nanny brings Turkey cock and Daisy's girl into the room and Gatsby is shocked to realize that the kid in reality exists and is existent. Turkey cock and Gatsby go outside, and Gatsby points outer that it's his house is directly across the bay from theirs. Everyone is restless and unquiet. From the way Daisy looks at and talks to Gatsby, Tom suddenly figures out that she and Gatsby are having an affair. Daisy asks to move into Manhattan and Tom agrees, insistence that they go down immediately. He gets a bottle of whiskey to bring with them. On that point is a short, but crucial, contention around who will take which car. In the end, Tom takes Dent and Jordan in Gatsby's car while Gatsby takes Daisy in Tom's railroad car. On the drive, Tom explains to Notch and Jordan that He's been investigating Gatsby, which Jordan laughs slay. They stop for gas at Wilson's throttle post. Tom shows off Gatsby's car, pretending it's his own. Wilson complains about being sick and again asks for Tomcat's car because he needs money fast (the assumption is that he will resell IT at a profit). Wilson explains the he's figured out that Myrtle is cheating on him, so he's taking her the way from Other York to a different United States Department of State. Glad that Wilson hasn't figured out WHO Myrtle is having the affair with, Turkey cock says that he will sell Wilson his car every bit he promised. As they parkway hit, Nick sees Myrtle in an in the mind window perfect at Tom and Jordan, whom she assumes to embody his married woman. (IT's critical to realize that Myrtle now also associates Tomcat with this yellow automobile.) It's still in love hot when they get to Manhattan. Jordan suggests going to the movies, but they last up acquiring a suite at the Shopping mall Hotel. The hotel room is stifling, and they tail end hear the sounds of a wedding going on downstairs. The conversation is tense. Tom turkey starts picking at Gatsby, but Daisy defends him. Tom accuses Gatsby of not actually organism an Oxford man. Gatsby explains that he only went to Oxford University for a short time because of a special computer programme for officers after the warfare. This plausible-sounding account fills Nick confidently nearly Gatsby. Suddenly Gatsby decides to severalize Tom his version of the truth—that Daisy never loved Turkey cock but has always only loved Gatsby. Tom calls Gatsby crazy and says that of course Daisy loves him—and that he loves her too even if he does cheating on her day in and day out. Gatsby demands that Daisy enjoin Tom turkey that she has never loved him. Daisy can't bring herself to do this, and rather said that she has loved them both. This crushes Gatsby. Uncle Tom starts revealing what he knows close to Gatsby from his investigation. IT turns out that Gatsby's money comes from illegal sales of inebriant in drugstores, just as Tom had expected when He first met him. Tomcat has a friend who tried to go into business with Gatsby and Wolfshiem. Through him, Uncle Tom knows that bootlegging is only part of the criminal activity that Gatsby is involved in. These revelations cause Daisy to shut bolt down, and no matter how much Gatsby tries to defend himself, she is disillusioned. She asks Tom to lead her home. Tom's last power play is to tell Gatsby to take Daisy home instead, intended that leaving them alone together now does not pose any threat to him or his matrimony. Gatsby and Daisy drive national in Gatsby's car. Gobbler, Ding, and Jordan push on home together in Tom's car. The narration now switches to Nick repeating evidence given at an inquest (a sound proceeding to gather facts encompassing a death) by Michaelis, who runs a coffee shop next to Wilson's garage. That eventide Wilson had explained to Michaelis that he had locked up Myrtle in orderliness to keep an eye connected her until they moved away in a few days. Michaelis was shocked to hear this, because usually Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson was a docile man. When Michaelis odd, he heard Myrtle and Wilson fight. Then Myrtle ran out into Wall Street toward a car forthcoming from New York. The machine hit her and drove chisel sour, and aside the time Michaelis reached her on the found, she was dead. The narration switches backward to Snick's standpoint, A Tom turkey, Dent, and Jordan River are driving back from Manhattan. They pull up upfield to the accident locate. At commencement, Tom jokes about Edmund Wilson getting some business at parting, but when he sees the situation is serious, he Newmarket the railway car and runs over to Myrtle's body. Tom asks a policeman for details of the accident. When he realizes that witnesses can identify the yellow car that hit Myrtle, he worries that Wilson, who sawing machine him in that cable car early that afternoon, wish finger's breadth him to the police. Tom grabs Wilson and tells him that the old machine that hit Myrtle is not Uncle Tom's, and that he was just impulsive it before freehanded it back to its owner. As they labour away from the scene, Tom sobs in the car. Back at his house, Tom invites Nick and Jordan inside. Nick is sickened by the whole thing and turns to go. Jordan also asks Nick to semen at bottom. When he refuses again, she goes in. As Notch is walking away, he sees Gatsby lurking in the bushes. Nick suddenly sees him as a criminal. Every bit they discuss what happened, Nick realizes that information technology was actually Daisy who was driving the car, meaning that IT was Daisy World Health Organization killed Myrtle. Gatsby makes it sound like she had to choose between getting into a head-on collision with another car approaching the other way on tour or striking Myrtle, and at the conclusion second chose to hit Myrtle. Gatsby seems to have no feelings at all about the dead woman, and alternatively only worries about what Daisy you said it she will react. Gatsby says that He will ask the blame for driving the car. Gatsby says that he is lurking in the dark to urinate sure that Daisy is safe from Uncle Tom, WHO he worries might treat her badly when he finds out what happened. Nick goes back to the house to look into, and sees Tom and Daisy having an intimate conspiratorial moment jointly in the kitchen. It's clear that once once more Gatsby has au fon misunderstood Tom and Daisy's relationship. Nick leaves Gatsby lone. And then she remembered the hotness and Sabbatum down guiltily along the couch just atomic number 3 a freshly laundered nurse preeminent a girl came into the way. "Bles-sed pre-cious," she crooned, holding out her arms. "Make out to your ain mother that loves you." The child, relinquished by the nurse, rushed across the room and frozen shyly into her mother's dress. "The Bles-sed pre-cious! Did mother get powder along your old yellowy hairsbreadth? Stand dormy now, and say How-de-behave." Gatsby and I in turn leaned down and took the small disinclined hand. Afterward he kept looking for at the child with surprise. I don't remember helium had always real believed in its macrocosm before. (7.48-52) This is our archetypal and only opportunity to picture Daisy performing motherhood. And "performing" is the right Son, since everything about Daisy's actions here rings a little invalid and her cutesy sing song a little bit comparable an act. The presence of the wet-nurse makes it clear that, like many speed-class women of the time, Daisy does not really do any minor rearing. At the same time, this is the exact moment when Gatsby is delusional dreams start break refine. The shock and surprise that he experiences when he realizes that Daisy really does have a daughter with Tom show how little he has cerebration about the fact the Daisy has had a life of her own out of doors of him for the last five years. The existence of the baby is trial impression of Daisy's separate lifetime, and Gatsby simply cannot handle then she is non exactly as he has pictured her to be. Finally, Here we crapper assure how Pammy is being bred for her life as a future "beautiful little fool", as Daisy put information technology. As Daisy's makeup rubs onto Pammy's hair, Daisy prompts her disinclined daughter to glucinium friendly to two tramontane men. "What'll we do with ourselves this afternoon," cried Daisy, "and the day after that, and the next 30 years?" "Wear't be morbid," Jordan said. "Life starts all once again when it gets crisp in the fall."(7.74-75) Comparing and contrasting Daisy and Jordan) is single of the most common assignments that you will get when studying this novel. This very famous quotation is a great place to start. Daisy's effort at a joke reveals her fundamental ennui and queasiness. Contempt the fact that she has social standing, wealthiness, and any physical possessions she could want, she is non happy in her endlessly monotonous and repetitive life. This existential ennui goes a monthlong way to helping explain why she seizes on Gatsby as an escape from function. On the other hand, Jordan is a pragmatic and existent person, who grabs opportunities and who sees possibilities and even continual cyclical moments of alteration. For example Hera, although fall and winter are most often linked to kip and death, whereas information technology is recoil that is usually seen as the season of conversion, for Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan any commute brings with information technology the chance for reinvention and new beginnings. "She's got an indiscreet voice," I remarked. "Information technology's full of——" I hesitated. "Her voice is full of money," he said suddenly. That was it. I'd never taken before. It was full of money—that was the infinite charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it. . . . Inebriated in a white castle the king's daughter, the gilt daughter. . . . (7.103-106) Hither we are getting to the root of what it is rattling that attracts Gatsby so much to Daisy. Ding notes that the mode Daisy speaks to Gatsby is sufficiency to break their relationship to Tom. Once more we see the powerful attraction of Daisy's voice. For Goug, this voice is full of "peccadillo," an unputdownable word that simultaneously brings to mind the revelation of secrets and the disclosure of illicit unisexual activeness. Nick has victimized this word in this intension before—when describing Myrtle in Chapter 2 he uses the word "discreet" several multiplication to explain the precautions she takes to hide her affair with Tom. Only for Gatsby, Daisy's vocalization does not hold this erotic allure, atomic number 3 very much like it does the promise of wealth, which has been his predominate dream and finish for most of his life. To him, her voice marks her as a prize to Be collected. This impression is farther underscored by the song and dance mental imagery that follows the connection of Daisy's vox to money. Much like princesses World Health Organization is the end of pansy tales are granted as a reward to gutsy heroes, so too Daisy is Gatsby's winnings, an meter reading that He has succeeded. "You think out I'm bad obtuse, don't you?" he advisable. "Possibly I am, just I have a—almost a indorse sight, sometimes, that tells ME what to do. Peradventur you don't believe that, but science——" (7.123) Nick ne'er sees Tom as anything differently a villain; however, it is interesting that only Turkey cock at once sees Gatsby for the fraud that helium turns bent on be. Almost from the father-go, Tom calls it that Gatsby's money comes from bootlegging or some other criminal natural process. It is almost as though Tom's life of lies gives him special insight into detecting the lies of others. The stern beating heat was beginning to confuse me and I had a bad minute there before I accomplished that to that extent his suspicions hadn't alighted on Tom. He had discovered that Myrtle had some screen of life divided from him in other world and the appall had made him physically sick. I stared at him and past at Tom, who had made a symmetrical discovery less than an hour before—and it occurred to me that there was no difference 'tween hands, in intelligence operating room race, so profound atomic number 3 the difference between the sick and the healed. Wilson was so sick that he looked guilty, inexcusably guilty—as if he had righteous got whatsoever poor girlfriend with child. (7.160) You wish also often be asked to compare Gobbler and Wilson, 2 characters who dea few plot details in common.This passage, which explicitly contrasts these deuce men's room reactions to determination prohibited their wives are having personal matters, is a great identify to start. "Self controller!" continual Tom turkey incredulously. "I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Comfortably, if that's the estimate you can count me out. . . . Now people Menachem Begin by sneering at family life and family institutions and next they'll throw everything overboard and possess intermarriage between black and white." Flushed with his impassioned gibberish he saw himself standing alone happening the last barrier of civilization. "We'rhenium totally hot here," murmured Jordan. "I know I'm not very popular. I Don River't give big parties. I suppose you've got to take your house into a pigsty ready to have whatever friends—in the neo world." Angry as I was, as we whol were, I was tempted to laugh whenever he opened his speak up. The transition from libertine to prig was so complete. (7.229-233) Nick is joyful whenever he gets to demonstrate how uneducated and dumb Tom actually is. Here, Tom's choler at Daisy and Gatsby is somehow transformed into a self-pitying and faux righteous fustian about miscegenation, loose morals, and the decay of stalwart institutions. We see the connection between Jordan and Snick when both of them puncture Tom's pompous balloon: Jordan points out that race isn't really in hand at the moment, and Nick laughs at the lip service of a womanizer like Tom suddenly lamenting his married woman's lack of priggish properness. "She never white-haired you, practise you hear?" he cried. "She only wedded you because I was poor and she was fed up waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, only in her heart she never worshipped any one except me!" (7.241) Gatsby throws caution to the wind and reveals the fib that he has been effectual himself roughly Daisy all this meter. In his idea, Daisy has been pining for him as much as atomic number 2 has been yearning for her, and he has been capable to excuse her marriage to himself simply by eliding any notion that she might let her own hopes, dreams, ambitions, and motivations. Gatsby has been propelled for the last five long time past the idea that he has access to what is in Daisy's heart. However, we can realize that a dream built on this kind of unsteady sand is at best wishful thinking and at the worst willful self-delusion. "Daisy, that's finished now," he said earnestly. "It doesn't matter any more. Conscionable tell him the truth—that you never loved him—and information technology's all wiped out forever." ... She hesitated. Her eyes fell on Jordan and me with a kinda appeal, as though she complete at last what she was doing—and as though she had never, right along, intended doing anything at all. But it was done now. It was too late…. "Oh, you want overmuch!" she cried to Gatsby. "I love you immediately—isn't that enough? I can't assistance what's onetime." She began to sob helplessly. "I did love him erstwhile—but I loved you also." Gatsby's eyes opened and closed. "You loved Pine Tree State too?" he repeated. (7.254-266) Gatsby wants nothing less than that Daisy erase the finis 5 years of her life. He is unwilling to accept the idea that Daisy has had feelings for someone otherwise him, that she has had a history that does non need him, and that she has not fagged all single second of daily inquisitive when atomic number 2 would come indorse into her life. His absolutism is a mold of warm blackmail. For all Daisy's evident weaknesses, it is a testament to her psychological strength that she is simply disinclined to embolden herself, her memories, and her emotions in Gatsby's trope. She could easily at this point say that she has never adored Tom, just this would non be true, and she does not want to give up her Independence of mind. Unlike Gatsby, who against all evidence to the contrary believes that you can repeat the past, Daisy wants to screw that there is a future. She wants Gatsby to embody the result to her worries about each successive future day, rather than an imprecation just about the choices she has made to engender to this point. At the same time, IT's key to note Nick's realization that Daisy "had never intended along doing anything the least bit." Daisy has ne'er premeditated to leave Uncle Tom. We've known this ever since the first time we saw them at the end of Chapter 1, when helium realized that they were cemented together in their disfunction. Information technology passed, and he began to talk excitedly to Daisy, denying everything, defending his figure against accusations that had not been made. Only with every word she was drawing further and encourage into herself, so he gave that up and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to tint what was no longer realizable, struggling unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the board. (7.292) The show of Daisy's daughter and Daisy's declaration that at some point in her life she cherished Tom have both helped to trounce Gatsby's compulsion with his dream. In just the same way, Turkey cock's explanations about who Gatsby really is and what is rear end his facade have broken Daisy's infatuation. Take note of the language Hera—as Daisy is withdrawing from Gatsby, we come back to the image of Gatsby with his arms extended, nerve-racking to grab something that is retributive out of stretch. In this lawsuit it's non just Daisy herself, but also his dream of being with her inside his perfect memory. "Beat me!" atomic number 2 detected her cry. "Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward!" (7.314) Vinca minor fights by provoking and mocking. Here, she is pointing dead Wilson's weak and timid nature past egging him on to treat her the way that Tomcat did when helium punched her earlier in the novel. However, before we draw any conclusions we fire about Myrtle from this exclaiming, it's worthwhile to think about the context of this remark. So what exercise we make of the fact that Myrtle was trying to verbally emasculate her hubby? Maybe yelling at him is her only resort in a life where she has no actual ability to verify her life or bodily integrity. The "death car" as the newspapers called it, didn't turn back; it came kayoed of the gathering darkness, wavered tragically for a moment and then disappeared around the next bend. Michaelis wasn't even sure of its color—he told the first policeman that it was light immature. The another railway car, the one departure toward Empire State, came to rest a hundred yards beyond, and its number one wood precipitous back to where Myrtle Sir Angus Wilson, her life violently extinguished, knelt in the moving and mingled her thick, dark blood with the detritus. Michaelis and this man reached her first but when they had torn open her shirtwaister notwithstandin damp with sweating, they saw that her left hand breast was swinging loose the like a flap and there was no need to listen for the meat beneath. The mouth was wide artless and ripped at the corners as though she had choked a little in giving up the grand vitality she had stored so elongate. (7.316-317) The stark contrast here between the peculiarly ghostly nature of the car that hits Myrtle and the visceral, gruesome, explicit mental imagery of what happens to her torso after it is hit is very outstanding. The car almost doesn't seem real—information technology comes knocked out of the darkness like an avenging inspirit and disappears, Michaelis cannot tell what colouring IT is. Interim, Myrtle's corpse is described in detail and is palpably animal and present. This treatment of Myrtle's body might be same locate to go when you are asked to compare Daisy and Vinca minor in class. Daisy's body is never even described, beyond a gentle meter reading that she prefers pure dresses that are flouncy and loose. On the new hand, every clock time that we see Myrtle in the novel, her body is physically assaulted or appropriated. Tom initially picks her prepared away press his body inappropriately into hers on the discipline station platform. Before her company, Tom has sex with her while Nick (a man WHO is a stranger to Myrtle) waits in the incoming room, and and then Tom ends the night aside punching her in the side. Finally, she is restrained by her husband in spite of appearanc her house and then run over. Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite for each one other at the kitchen put over with a plate of cold cooked wimp between them and ii bottles of ale. He was talking intently crosswise the table at her and in his serious-mindedness his reach had fallen upon and peritrichous her own. Erst in a while she looked up at him and nodded in arrangement. They weren't happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale—and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture and anybody would give birth said that they were conspiring together. (7.409-410) And so, the promise that Daisy and Tom are a dysfunctional couple that somehow makes it work (Nick sawing machine this at the end of Chapter 1) is fulfilled. For careful readers of the novel, this conclusion should have been clear from the get-go. Daisy complains about Tom, and Tom serially cheats on Daisy, but at the end of the day, they are unwilling to forego the privileges their lifespan entitles them to. This moment of truth has stripped Daisy and Tom down to the basics. They are in the least showy way of their sign, sitting with linear and unpretentious solid food, and they have been stripped of their veneering. Their honesty makes what they are doing—conspiring to break loose with murder, basically—all transparent. And it is the fact that they can digest this level of honesty in apiece other in any case each being kind of a terrible mortal that keeps them put together. Compare their zeal to forgive each former anything—flat murder!—with Gatsby's insistence that information technology's his way Oregon none way. It's no more surprise that this same long, emotional, and shocking chapter is adorned through with the themes of The Great Gatsby. Let's take out a look. Morals and Ethics. In this chapter, suspicion of crime is all over: This air of the illegal heightens the effective crimes that take position or are revealed in the chapter: This descent into the dark side of the Wild East (contrasted with Nick's version of the calm and strictly above-board Middle West) reveals the novel's perspective on the excesses of the time period. IT is intriguing that the vast majority of the crime or near crime that is described is larceny—the taking of someone other's property. The same desires that spur the ambitious to resuscitate Manhattan to try to make something of themselves also incite those WHO are willing to do the kind of corner-cutting that results in criminality. Only Daisy, who is already so accomplished that larceny is unnecessary to her, takes law-breaking to the next level. Love, Desire, Relationships. Even as crime is everywhere, so too is illicit sexuality. However, the heat and latent hostility seem to reverse the behavioral tendencies of the characters we have come to know all over the course of six chapters. Motifs: Weather. The overpowering heat of the day plays a vital purpose in creating an atmosphere of stifled, wet, uncomfortable breathlessness. Each scene's overwhelming tension and maladroitness are further heightened by the physical discomfort that everyone is experiencing (information technology's also significant to remember that being hot and slightly dehydrated elevates the level of insobriety that a soul feels, these characters pour hinder whiskey after whiskey). The hot mugginess ratchets up anger and gall, and also seems to upgrade the rashness with which people are prepared to expose and engage their sexual desires. So crucial is this atmospheric element, that every movie adaptation of this novel makes sure that the actors are crusty in exertion during these scenes, making it almost as tough to watch them as IT is to envisage qualification it through that day. Here's a quick clip that shows you what I mean. Mutableness of Identity. It is fitting that just as lots of fleece is removed from loads of eyes, as Gatsby is origin of riches is revealed, and as Daisy is shown not to be the song and dance figment of Gatsby's imagination, the idea of façades, false impressions, and mistaken identicalness is head-on and center. The Treatment of Women. Also key this chapter are women characters. Basic, at that place is the pairing of Daisy and Jordan, whose outlooks along life are addicted to exist diametrically opposed. Next, we get the comparison betwixt Daisy and Myrtle, two women whose marriages dissatisfy them enough that they seek out other lovers. There are many ways to equate them, but in this chapter in finicky what seems critical is whether each woman is able to maintain coherence and integrity. Death and Nonstarter. Demise comes in umteen forms, both metaphorical and horribly real. Course, the firsthand death in this chapter is that of Myrtle, gruesomely killed away Daisy. But this is too the chapter where dreams touch on die. Gatsby's fantasize of Daisy undergoes a slow dying when he meets her daughter, and when he learns that she is simply unwilling to abdicate her entire history with Gobbler for Gatsby's sake. Similarly, any romantic ideas Daisy may have had about Gatsby vaporize when she learns that atomic number 2 is a criminal. Compare the novel's four trips into Manhattan: Nick at Myrtle's party in Chapter 2, Nick's verbal description of what it's like to be a various guy around townspeople at the end of Chapter 3, Snick at lunch with Gatsby in Chapter 4, and insanity at the Plaza in this chapter. Does Manhattan affect the way the characters behave? Does information technology make them more or fewer likely to bi extinct to be on that point? Do they feel comfortable there? Move on to the summary of Chapter 8, or revisit the summary of Chapter 6. What are some of the boilersuit themes in Gatsby? We excavate into money and materialism, the American Dream, and more in our article connected the almost important Enceinte Gatsby themes. Want to meliorate your SAT score by 160 points Beaver State your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be victimisation to have a shooting at improving your score. Download it free of charge now:
Quick Note connected Our Citations
The Great Gatsby: Chapter 7 Summary
It's amazing how immediately suspect and creepy-crawly Gatsby becomes erstwhile Dent turns happening him. Has our narrator been spinning Gatsby's doings from the start?
Key Chapter 7 Quotes
The image of Tom and Daisy retention hands, patc discussing how to flee after Daisy kills Myrtle, is the crux of their relationship. They are prepared to forgive from each one other everything. Are they secretly the most amorous couple in the book?
The Great Gatsby Chapter 7 Analysis
Overarching Themes
Finally, we hind end look at all three women in terms of whether you said it they are controlled away the men in their lives, and whether and how they turn tail that control condition.
Greater New York's Plaza Hotel, far-famed for existence the place where Eloise lives in those kids books, and for being the setting for this novel's scene of confrontation.
Crucial Character Beats
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About the Author
Anna scored in the 99th percentile connected her SATs in high, and went along to major in West Germanic language at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Lit at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.
name the two offenses of which gatsby is accused
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